Abdul Aziz

Abdul Aziz

Abdul Aziz (1928-Purwokerto, Central Java) studied at the Akademi Seni Rupa Indonesia (ASRI, Indonesian Academy of Fine Arts) in Yogyakarta, Central Java. In 1959 he went to Italy on an Indonesian government grant to study at the Academia di Belle Arti (Academy of Fine Art) in Rome. Aziz taught at Universitas Udayana in Denpasar. He is mostly known for his three dimensional works of figures made by painting on the actual wooden frames and realistic painted frames in his pieces. Exhibitions: Taman Ismail Marzuki (Jakarta, Indonesia, 1983), East-West Center (Honolulu, Hawaii, 1988), Centre for Strategic and International Studies (Jakarta, 1996), Indonesia-Japan Friendship Festival (Morioka, Tokyo, 1997).

Three young girls are dressed for the legong, a Balinese court dance. The middle dancer is the condong (lady-in-waiting), who is flanked by the two main dancers who perform the most important roles in the dance story. They are regally dressed in gold-leafed cloth and gilded parchment leather crowns and bibs with jewels. Their fans appear to jut out the painting. Shadows are painted on the picture frame to give a three-dimensional effect. The dancers seem to be leaning out of window.


Title: Waiting To Dance
Artist : Abdul Aziz
Media: Oil on canvas
Size :65 x 50 cm

Although painted as separate pieces during different years, these two works later were joined together into a single piece in 1980 by Suteja Neka, founder of the Neka Museum, afetr he noticed that the man appeared to be admiring the woman. The figures seem to be leaning in doorways; their shadows painted on the actual picture frames add a three-dimensional effect. Plain backgrounds focus attention on the figures and the mutual attraction between them. Warm earthy tones emphasize this.

Title: Mutual Attraction
Artist: Abdul Aziz
Media: Oil on canvas diptych
Size: 122 x 45 each
Year: 1974, 1975